If you intend to get a loan, a lease, a new apartment, or if you’re ever going to inquire about a line of credit, a proof of income letter is something you’ll have to write either now or later. A proof of income letter or an income verification letter can either be written by you, an accountant, an employer, etc.
An income verification letter is an official document; it must contain some specific information. This article will discuss what it is, explain how to write a perfect one and include some samples and templates to help you write your own proof of income letters.
What Is a Proof of Income Letter?
As the name suggests, a proof of income letter is a letter that verifies your income. If you say you earn $2,000 per hour, a proof of income letter is a letter that proves your claim and confirms you make the money you claim.
If you’re getting an apartment or a loan, the landlord or issuer must confirm that you can afford the apartment. One of the most common ways to do this is with a proof of income letter. To ensure your proof of income letter is valid, you must add some official documents that prove your claim. This can be anything from a pay slip to a bank statement.
How to Write a Proof of Income Letter?
In this section of this article, we will discuss everything you need to know to write a great proof of income letter.
- List Your Contact Information at the Top Left of the page
Including your contact information is standard letter etiquette. Your proof of income letter should contain your name, address, email address, and telephone number. You can also include the name of your company and address. To separate this section from the rest of the letter, simply add a blank space before continuing.
- Explain the Purpose of the Letter
After writing the date, this is the next stage of your letter. The purpose of your letter should be written under the contact information. An example of this is “RE: Income Verification Letter.” This acts as the subject of your letter, and it explains what the letter is about.
- Use an Open Salutation
This section of the letter should be a simple greeting addressed to whoever is expected to receive the letter. A simple “Dear Mr. John Doe,” or “Dear Ms. Sandra.” Can suffice. If you’re unsure who the recipient of the letter is, simply address it to “To Whom It May Concern.” Also works as well. When writing salutations, it is essential to remember that this is not an informal letter. Hence, all greetings must be professional.
- Introduce Yourself and State the Purpose of Your Letter
This section of this article where you introduce yourself and state what your letter is about. It is important to go straight to the point and not include unnecessary information. An ideal example of this would be,
“My name is Jim Blessed, and I am writing this letter to submit a proof of income in respect to the loan acquisition.”
- Provide Details About Your Income
This is the most technical part of the whole letter, and as such, should be given utmost attention. In this section of your letter, you should outline how much money you make and how long you’ve been making said amount. An example of this as a freelancer or a self-employed business person would be,
“I am a freelance writer. I’ve been working as a freelancer for the past 6 years and my monthly income ranges from $4000 to $6000.”
If you’re an employee, you could say,
“I am a paid media specialist for Aggrotech and I have been an employee of this country for the last 6 years. My current annual income is $120,000.”
If you have any additional income, this section would also be the best place to state that information. This could be government benefits, gifts, pensions, etc. State how much this income is and how often you receive it. An example of this would be,
“Additionally, I receive a weekly pension of $50 from XYZ Auto. This pension is guaranteed for the next 20 years.”
If you have important information on how much your income would increase, you should include it in this section. An example of this is,
“I’ve been working with Aggrotech for the last six years and on the 7th year I’m due for a 20% raise.”
If you’re a freelancer, an alternative to this is,
“I have recently signed 2 new clients on a retainer and this will increase my earnings by 40%.”
The most important part of writing this section of this letter is to ensure that you’re stating the correct information. The person you’re sending this letter to may verify your claims, and if they’re found false, it could significantly affect your request.
- Include a Note Stating there’s Attached Information in Your Letter
This attached information can be anything from a pay stub, bank statement, tax return or tax statement. Including this documentation goes to support your income claim. Also, ensure to include in the letter that there is attached information. This ensures that the additional document does not slip through the cracks and that the recipient takes note of it.
- Thank the Reader for their Time and Close the letter
After writing the letter, the next stage is to close the letter with your name and signature. In your closing, include that you’re open to providing more information or answering any inquiries.
Additional Tip
Ensure to find out from the point of contact person if you’ll be required to notarize the letter. If yes, you should get your proof of income letter notarized.
Proof of Income Letter Template to Landlord
(Employer’s Name) (Employer’s Address) (City, state) Subject: Proof of Income Dear (Landlord’s Name), I am writing to you concerning your apartment in (location of the apartment), I have been an employee of (state company name and how long you’ve been working there), and my remuneration is (state remuneration). Please find my bank statement attached to this letter. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, (Name and Signature)
Proof of Income Letter Sample to Landlord
Abiodun Ogunsanya 11 Omoregbe Street, San Jose, Jersey. 11 January 2022 Dear Jason Todd, I am writing to provide proof of income to rent your apartment in Suite 12, Delaware Avenue. I have been an employee of Woculus for the last five years, and my remuneration is $56,000 annually. Please find my bank statement attached to this letter. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Jim Blessed
Proof of Income Letter Template
(Your Name) (Your Address) (City, state) (Date) RE: Income Verification Letter (State your name and the reason for the letter.) (State your job and your annual or monthly take home.) (If your earnings are bound to increase anytime soon, also state that in this letter.) Sincerely, (Your name and signature)
Proof of Income Letter Sample
Jim Blessed 18 San Jose, California United States of America 21st July 2022. RE: Income Verification Letter My name is Jim Blessed, and I am writing this letter to submit proof of income concerning the loan acquisition. I am a paid media specialist for Aggrotech, and I have been an employee of this country for the last 6 years. My current annual income is $120,000. My earnings will increase in the coming year as I’ve been working with Aggrotech for the last six years, and in the 7th year, I’m due for a 20% raise. Please find my pay slip and bank statement attached to this letter. Kindly let me know if you need any information. Sincerely, Jim Blessed
Everything you need to know about writing proof of income letters is n this article. We’ve also included some samples to help you get started whenever you need to write a proof of income letter.