The end of a job interview session does not necessarily mean the end of your interview. You still have a chance to make a good impression by sending a job interview follow-up email. This is an excellent opportunity to help you get ahead of other candidates that were present for the interview. Many job seekers are not aware of this. A lot of people just sit back and wait after a job interview.
As a job seeker, you must know your strength. When you apply for a job, ensure you do it right by showing the areas where your qualifications match up with the job requirements. This will demonstrate to the company that you are capable of taking up the role. You will need to show this same attitude when you write the job interview follow-up email.
Many employers will watch with keen interest how you communicate with them. They are not only interested in your communication skills during the interview; they also want to know how you interact with them after the session, vis-à-vis, follow-up, or thank you email. Therefore, do not write a thank you or follow-up email for the sake of doing so. Instead, strategize a way to demonstrate further that you are suitable for the job.
Job Interview Follow-Up Email Guidelines
Below are guidelines to aid you in writing a job interview follow-up email. They can help you get a second interview or land the job. Each point is followed by two examples of how you may write them in the job interview follow-up email.
Demonstrate a Strong Interest in the Job
Your email should demonstrate clearly that you are interested in the job. Prove to the employer that you showing up for the interview is an evidence of your keen interest in the job. You may note a moment or two during the interview when things that much interest you about the company were mentioned.
You may say: “You mentioned that you need someone who has a strong IT background to modernize the way the human resources department runs. I had been looking forward to combining my knowledge of IT with my human resource skills. I am truly excited about the possibility of doing this in your company”.
You may say: “I noted your wish to have a human resource manager with excellent interpersonal relationship skills to foster good communication among staff members. This is one of my major strengths. I make it a hobby to meet and interact with people. I am excited at the opportunity to be able to express myself while working for you”.
Show that You are the Man for the Job
When writing a job interview follow-up email, you need to demonstrate the above point without appearing arrogant. The best approach is to simply match your qualifications, experiences, skills, and hobby to the requirements the company has outlined for the position you are seeking. Remember, as stated earlier, this should have been mentioned in your résumé. However, you need to repeat this when writing the job interview follow-up email.
You may say: “You require the human resource manager to have had a 5-year cognate experience in an oil and gas company. The fact that I have had seven years of cognate experience in the industry shows that I am an excellent fit for the job”.
You may say: “You noted that one of the major requirements for the position of the human resources manager is the knowledge of Microsoft Access for database management. I just completed a certificate course with a merit grade on this software about a month ago. This and other qualifications of mine have demonstrated that I am suitable for the position”.
Spice Up Your Chances
Look for points that you had overlooked in the interview or that you did not answer accurately. Express them in the job interview follow-up email. Articulate them more carefully to demonstrate that you are a suitable candidate. Ensure you do not bore the employer with numerous details. Stick to relevant points only, and make it brief. Again, do not sound arrogant; your spicing up should be well reflected in your qualifications and achievements.
You may say: “When I was talking about my experience at Blanque-Jon Oil and Gas, I skipped a significant point. As the head of the human resources department, I halted an unproductive practice. The junior staff members routinely demanded double leave bonuses so that they will be allowed to skip their leave. Most of them fell ill from sheer exhaustion, thereby reducing the company’s productivity. I effectively stopped this practice. It led to a more disciplined workforce and increased productivity.
You may say: “During my explanation of my achievements, I failed to mention that I was given the award of the most efficient head of department back to back, for the two years I spent in the last company I worked for. It was a highly competitive award in the company”.
Request for the Job
Plainly state that you want the job and that you are willing to accept it if the pay is reasonable. In essence, let the employer know that you are eager to start work with the right compensation. This simple expression gives you a tactical advantage over other candidates competing for the same position. Remember, you are not begging for the job; this will put off the employer. You are making a strong case to show that you want the job and are ready to give it your best.
You may say: “Working with you is the right step for me to take in my career at this time. I look forward to receiving the job offer soonest”.
You may say: “It is apparent to me that this job will place me exactly where I am meant to be in my career journey. I hope to receive a response from you confirming my appointment”.
Show Appreciation
Do not forget to say thank you for the opportunity you were given to attend the interview. Acknowledge anything that was done to make you comfortable at the interview venue or any other show of politeness by the interviewer that is worth mentioning. You may include a final statement that shows your keen interest in the job.
You may say: “I am grateful for the opportunity to be selected among those who were interviewed. It was a privilege to have met you and other members of the interview panel. Thank you for the refreshment while I waited for my turn to be seen. Your hospitality further heightens my interest in working for you”.
You may say: “I appreciate the privilege given to me to be called for this interview that just ended. I do not take this opportunity for granted. Thank you for explaining to me the well-structured hierarchy of the company. It helped in reaffirming my enthusiasm to join your team”.
Final Notes
When writing a job interview follow-up email, ensure you write professionally. Write in a formal style, do a thorough spell-checking for typos and grammatical errors. Send that email as soon as possible following the interview before the company makes its decision on the candidates. Sending it late may make your effort futile.
Ensure you use the appropriate subject line so that your email would be easily recognized for what it stands for. Remember also to introduce yourself at the beginning of the email. When introducing yourself, mention the position you were interviewed for.
Sample Email: Writing a Job Interview Follow-Up Email
Subject: Re: Job Interview/Human Resources Manager
Dear Sir,
My name is Aquila Perez. I attended an interview session at your company this morning for the position of a marketing manager.
I am grateful for the opportunity given to me by the company to attend this interview.
You noted that the company wanted a candidate with strong IT knowledge to modernize the way the marketing department operates. I had been looking forward to using my expertise in IT with my marketing skills. I am excited about this opportunity.
You require the marketing manager to have had vast experience in the manufacturing industry. The fact that I have had ten years of working experience in the manufacturing industry shows that I am perfect for the job.
When I was detailing you of my accomplishments, I failed to state that I regularly received the award of the most versatile marketer in the two companies I had worked for in the past ten years.
It is clear to me that this job will place me exactly where I ought to be in my career journey at this time. I hope to receive a response confirming this job offer soon.
Once again, I am grateful for the opportunity to be chosen among those who were interviewed. It was a pleasure to have met you and other members of the panel. Thank you for the coffee you offered me. Your kind gesture has reinforced my passion to be a member of your elite workforce.
Yours Sincerely,
Caroline Holly