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Best Salutations and Greetings for Professional Emails (With Examples)

Email Salutation

A salutation is a greeting we use at the beginning of an email, a letter, or a note. Even a text or an online comment can begin with a salutation. The salutation is also defined as a polite expression of greeting or goodwill. It is also the opening line of your email, where you address the recipient directly, usually by name.

In the world of email, however,  a number of salutation styles are acceptable. Which one is best for a given situation depends on facts such as your relationship to the recipient, the culture of your firm and the content and context of the message. In addition, salutation for single recipient differs from multiple recipients.

Some business professionals use salutations to genetically refer to both the opening and the closing of emails. For example, “Dear Mr. Steve”  is an “opening salutation” while “yours sincerely” is a “closing salutation”.  Also, email salutation can be sent to an individual or to a group.

The fact is that salutation should be polite.

Why Do We Use Salutations in Email and Letters?

The original intent of the salutation need not be lost. Many at times people often have good intentions but the methods in which they present their greetings especially in the formal settings often seems too casual.

Especially over email, salutations are important. When we are communicating one-on-one, our body language and vocal intonations give our words context, but when we are communicating electronically, we don’t have those body features in emails, and it is extremely easy for a harmless phrase to be interpreted as a rude gesture. Salutation and greetings add warmth to the body of an email.

The purpose of salutation is to greet the reader with all due respect. In the professional world, salutation should not be overly familiar.  Greetings and salutation show courtesy. Courtesy is the basic requirement for a professional email. It means using of such words and phrases that indicate a polite attitude towards the individual receiving the mail.

Tips on Effective Salutation Writing

First, consider a couple of factors – 

Bear the following in mind –

Addressing a Business Email to an Unknown Recipient

Regardless of whether or not you know the gender of the recipient, responding to their emails with proper salutations is essential. This determines if the recipient will keep reading your email or not. In this section of the article, we’re going to discuss the best ways to address a business email to an unknown recipient.

When addressing people you don’t know, the most important rule is the rule of reciprocity. These rules state that you address unknown recipients how they address you. E.g. if they respond to your emails continually with “Dear Sir” Or “Dear First name” or “Dear Last name” you should address them the same way.

Tips on Addressing a Business Email to an Unknown Recipient

1. Address the recipient by name

The best way to address an email is to the person’s name. If you’re unsure of their gender, you could find out more from the company (If you’re wondering what to know if you don’t know their gender, we’ll get to that in later parts of this article.)

When addressing an email to a recipient you know their gender, you should address them as “Dear First name?” or “Dear Last name” This is considered old fashioned, a more modern way would be to address the recipient by their titles first before either their first name or last names. “Dear Title-Mr./Mrs./Ms. First name or Last name

In essence addressing the recipient as, “Dear Mrs Sandra” or “Dear Mr James” should suffice when addressing an email to an unknown recipient.

2. When addressing an Unknown Gender

Most times when addressing a business email to an unknown recipient, there are chances you don’t know their gender as well. In a case like this, you should address them using “Dear Sir/Madam” This method is less personal and more polite. More importantly, it is neutral. So, it can be used even when you don’t know the gender.

3. Address unknown recipients using their Job titles

If you’re cold-emailing a potential client and you don’t know their name gender but know their job titles, you can address them using their job titles.

For example, “Dear Managing Director” or “To the Managing Director” explains to the recipient that you’re aware of their position.

If you’re emailing a company and are unsure of the recipient’s gender or role, you could simply address the email to the company. An example is, “Dear Amazon Inc.

If you’re emailing a generic email address gotten from a website, an example of such an email would be “” Or “” you could address the email as the company name or you could use, “To Whom It May Concern“.

It’s usually not advisable to use “To Whom It May Concern” when addressing an unknown recipient, this is because it’s considered aggressive. If you’re using that in your email addressing an unknown recipient, you should start the email with a light note, like, “Thank you for your time” or “I hope this email finds you well” this often sets the tone of the email right.

Lastly, when addressing emails to unknown recipients, do not address them using adverbs like, “Hello There,” This is considered highly unprofessional.


Salutations are extremely important but they should be kept simple, polite, and formal in professional emails.  Courtesy is reciprocal. Never be in too much of a hurry that you forget such an easy and very important tool in professional emails – salutation. Always remember – sending a professional email without an opening salutation is like entering another person’s house without knocking. Similarly, sending a professional email without a closing salutation is like leaving a person’s house without saying “goodbye”.

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