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How To Start and End An Email The Right Way

how to start and end an email

In today’s fast-paced digital world, knowing how to start and end an email is a great skill to be treasured. As the world of digital communication continues to be dominated by instant messages and 280-character tweets, the art of writing an engaging and attention-grabbing email might seem like a lost skill. However, all is not lost, we will unravel some of the strategies behind starting and ending an email that is attention-grabbing.

As we all know, crafting the right tone and impression in our emails is important for creating strong relationships, conveying professionalism, and ensuring effective communication. Whether you’re reaching out to a potential client, customer, colleague, or supervisor, the way you start and conclude your emails can greatly impact the overall perception and response you receive. From crafting captivating subject lines to creating unique endings, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts, and the ins and outs of email etiquette that will set you apart from the crowd.

So, whether you’re a professional reaching out to a potential client, a student seeking guidance from a professor, or a marketer reaching out to a potential lead, this blog will help you master the art of starting and closing an email on a good note.

Crafting Winning Email Openings

If you have visited some of our content, you will realize that we often emphasize the importance of email openings. But today, we will talk about how you can craft professional and attention-grabbing email openings that captivate your recipient from the very first word. So, how can we ensure that our carefully crafted messages aren’t lost in the spam box?

1. The Power of Personalization

Imagine receiving an email that starts with, “Hey there, [Sam]!” Doesn’t it immediately grab your attention? Personalization is the key to unlocking a reader’s curiosity. Take the time to research your recipient and tailor your email openings accordingly(This might go well for marketers, professionals, and students). You can remind them of a recent achievement, reference a shared interest, or acknowledge a specific challenge. This helps you connect with them and show that you value their individuality. According to McKinsey, companies can get 40% more in revenue if they use personalization and do it right.

Seven (7) Ways to Write Professional Email Subject Lines – With Samples

2. Embrace the Element of Surprise

Let’s face it, the moment your audience begins to predict your emails, it becomes very boring. Imagine if a customer subscribes to your email list and you keep on giving the same kind of content every time, the subscriber becomes bored with it. That’s why you need to introduce the element of surprise once in a while in your email openings. Think outside the box and start with an unexpected statement or a thought-provoking question. Surprise stimulates curiosity and compels your readers to continue reading, eager to uncover what lies within your message. So, don’t be afraid to break the mould and give your recipients a delightful twist right from the beginning.

How to Write Business Email Subject Lines

3. Make It All About Them

One thing you should remember as a marketer is that the email is not about you, it is about your audience or readers. So if you emphasise their needs, challenges, or aspirations in your email opening, you will be demonstrating that you understand their world. Start by asking yourself, “What’s in it for them?” Craft an opening that explicitly highlights the benefits they’ll gain by reading further. Whether it’s a solution to a problem or an opportunity for growth, making it all about your customers or subscribers creates an irresistible urge to delve deeper into your message.

4. Tap into Emotions

Humans are emotional beings, and appealing to their emotions can be a powerful way to grab their attention. This is where storytelling comes in. According to Search Engine Watch, storytelling can increase conversions by 30%Use storytelling techniques to evoke emotions in your email openings. Share an anecdote, paint a vivid picture, or tap into common experiences to trigger empathy, curiosity, or even a sense of nostalgia. By forging an emotional connection from the outset, you pave the way for meaningful and memorable interaction.

5. Inject Personality and Authenticity

Nobody wants to read a robotic, generic email, rather integrate your email openings with your unique personality and authenticity. Show your true self and let your voice shine through. It doesn’t matter if you are witty, empathetic, or downright quirky, embrace your individuality. Authenticity breeds trust, and when your readers trust you, they’re more likely to engage with your message. So, ditch the corporate jargon and let your personality be the star of the show.

How To Start an Email the right way: Tips and Examples?

Emails still remain an effective mode of communication in the advent of technology and the remote world. So starting your email the right way is really crucial if you are looking for conversion and engagement with your emails. So how do you start an email the right way? Let’s get to it.

Email Reply Etiquette: 13 Important Rules for Responding to Professional Emails

1. Know Your Audience

Like any other form of communication, understanding your audience is key to writing the perfect email openings. Make sure your tone, language, and level of formality match the recipient’s expectations. If you are emailing a colleague, a potential employer, or a customer, you probably should not use the same tone with them. Adjusting your approach accordingly will establish an instant connection and grab their attention.

Example of Email Introduction To A Colleague or Friend.

Subject: Catching up, Dan!

Hey Dan,

It's been ages since we last connected, and I've been meaning to check in with you.

2. Be Personal and Warm

Remember, nobody wants to read a robotic email that feels devoid of personality. Warmth and personal touch matter a lot as it helps establish a friendly rapport right from the beginning. Address your recipient by name and express genuine interest in connecting with them. Remember, authenticity goes a long way in forging meaningful relationships.


Subject: Your Insightful Article on Email Marketing Blew Me Away!

Hi Jenna,

I hope this email finds you well! I just finished reading your recent article on the importance of email marketing, and I couldn't resist reaching out to express my admiration for your insightful analysis.

3. Start with a Thought-Provoking Question

Engage your recipient’s curiosity right from the start by posing a thought-provoking question. By stimulating their minds, you pique their interest and make them eager to delve deeper into your email. Make sure the question is relevant to the purpose of your message and invites them to participate actively.


Subject: The Power of Visualization: Can It Change Your Life?

Hi John,

Can you imagine a life where you effortlessly manifest your dreams and create the reality you desire through the power of visualization?

4. Highlight a Mutual Connection or Interest

Sometimes when reaching your recipient, you might find out that they have some shared interest with you. It might be sports, food, travelling etc. If you share a common interest or have a mutual connection with the recipient, don’t hesitate to mention it in your opening lines. This creates an immediate bond and establishes a sense of familiarity, making your email stand out among the others flooding their inbox.


Subject: Your Expertise in Behavioural Marketing Caught My Attention

Hello Kenda,

During my research on behavioural marketing, I came across your name multiple times as a highly respected expert. Our mutual interest in behavioural marketing motivated me to connect with you.

How To End an Email The Proper Way

In this fast-paced era of digital communication, it’s easy to underestimate the power of a thoughtful email sign-off. But let’s face it, the way we end our emails can leave a lasting impression on the recipient. So knowing how to end an email the proper way is an art worth mastering.

1. Add Personal Touch

Warmth Wins Hearts When it comes to ending an email, a personal touch can work wonders. Steer clear of the mundane “Sincerely” or “Regards” and opt for a warm, genuine farewell instead. “Wishing you a sunlit week ahead” or “Stay inspired and keep shining” injects a touch of personality that makes your message stand out. Remember that your sign-off is your chance to showcase your individuality and create a lasting connection.

2. Tailoring to the Relationship: Formality vs. Familiarity

Choosing the appropriate tone for your email endings is crucial and depends on your relationship with the recipient. If you’re writing to a business associate or a potential employer, a more formal approach is often advisable. “Yours faithfully” or “Best regards” demonstrate professionalism without sacrificing politeness. However, if you’re conversing with a close colleague or a long-time friend, don’t shy away from a touch of familiarity. “Catch you on the flip side” or “Until our next coffee chat” a little personal touch doesn’t hurt.

Formal: "Yours faithfully, Sam"

Familiar: "Looking forward to catching up soon! Take care and talk to you later."

3. Leaving an Open Door: Inviting Further Engagement

Why should you limit your email to a simple conclusion when you can use it as a springboard for future interactions? Strategically crafted email endings can pave the way for continued dialogue and leave your recipient eager to respond. Experiment with phrases like “I look forward to hearing your thoughts” or “Let’s discuss this further over a call.” By doing so, you extend an invitation for ongoing conversation and demonstrate your willingness to connect beyond the digital realm.

"I'm eager to hear your thoughts on this matter. Let's schedule a meeting to discuss it further."

"Your insights are always valuable. Feel free to reach out if you have any more ideas or questions."

4. Inject Enthusiasm

Who says emails have to be mundane and dull? Infusing your sign-off with a burst of enthusiasm can make your recipient’s day and leave a memorable mark. Go beyond the usual “Take care” or “Have a nice day” and opt for something more energetic and impactful. For instance, try “Keep conquering those goals like a superhero!” or “Wishing you a dazzling adventure ahead.” Such vibrant sign-offs not only showcase your positive energy but also inspire reciprocation.

"Keep shining brightly like the star you are! Wishing you endless success and happiness."

"Go out there and rock it! Your passion and dedication are truly inspiring. Have an amazing day!"

5. Consider the Context

Context is key. While it’s important to inject your personality into your email endings, be mindful of the nature of your email. For formal and professional correspondences, err on the side of caution and maintain an appropriate tone. On the other hand, if your email revolves around a celebratory event or a festive occasion, feel free to embrace a more lighthearted and cheerful sign-off. By being attuned to the context, you ensure your email leaves the intended impact.

Formal/Professional: "Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to working together to achieve our goals."

Celebratory/Festive: "Wishing you a fantastic holiday season filled with laughter, joy, and delicious treats! Enjoy every moment."

How to start and end an email: What you should avoid

We have been discussing on how to start and end an email the right way to help you maximize conversion. However here are the things you need to avoid.

  1. Informal language: Unless you are writing to a friend or if you already have an established casual relationship with the recipient, avoid using overly informal language, slang, or abbreviations in professional or formal emails.
  2. Ambiguity: Email is all about communication, this means that your recipient(s) must be able to understand the message of your email. Avoid vague or confusing statements. Be direct and specific to ensure that the recipient understands your intent.
  3. Spelling and grammar errors: Another thing you need to avoid is grammatical errors. Errors can make your emails very unprofessional. Take the time to proofread your email before sending it. Use spell-check tools like Grammarly and read through your email carefully to catch any errors.
  4. Offensive or inappropriate language: Be mindful of your tone and language. Avoid using offensive or inappropriate words or phrases, as they can damage your professional reputation and harm your relationship with the recipient.
  5. Neglecting to include a subject line: The subject line is the most important part of the email. Not including it can do a lot of harm to your email and harm your open rate. Always include a subject line that reflects the content of your email. This helps the recipient understand the purpose of your message and allows for easy reference in the future.


In today’s digital world, the art of crafting an impactful email is a skill worth mastering. And just like any great story, the beginning and ending hold the power to captivate your reader from the very first line to the final signature. We hope this blog post has helped you in the art of mastering how to start and end an email in a professional and acceptable way. Share your thoughts on this article in the comment sections.

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