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How to Write Great Content for Messaging Bots – 6 Tips

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Image by bamenny from Pixabay

Entrepreneurs put a lot of efforts into developing digital marketing strategies to attract new customers and take their businesses to the next level. Researches have shown that among all digital marketing tools, email marketing is the most popular. Being on top of the biggest generated ROI, email marketing brings $44 for every $1 spent. However, as email marketing increased in popularity, people became suffocated by hundreds of emails received every day. Thus, the CTR began to drop, which brought the necessity for a different marketing tool. This is how messaging marketing appeared, bringing high engagement rates and dynamic communication. No wonder why studies project the messaging bots market to reach $1.23 billion in 2025. If you want to know how to write content for your messaging bots, then you have reached the right place. Keep reading this article to discover the top tips to create a successful marketing automation strategy.

1. Choose a Catchy Name and Communication Style

When you create your messaging bot, think of it as a character with personality, which will tell the story of your brand. Therefore, you should start with a catchy and easy-to-remember name for it. Take the example of Poncho, the weather bot, which has been developed by its creators to offer a friendly figure to the website’s visitors. It delivers information in a very easy-to-understand way and aims to always put a smile on everyone’s face, even though the weather news isn’t always positive.

Therefore, before you start creating your bot, you should think about the image you want to create around your brand. Do you want to be perceived as funny and friendly? Or you would rather need a serious and formal messaging bot? Furthermore, if you need a hand in developing content during your conversation automation strategy, you can collaborate with professional writers using services that are specialized in content creation.

2. Bring the Users Closer to Their Goals by Guiding Them

Not everyone accessing your website knows exactly what they are looking for. There might be visitors who will come just out of pure curiosity. However, once they decide to visit your website, they have a need which can be satisfied with your products. The trick in this situation is to show them that they actually need your product.

Thus, you should build your messaging marketing strategy around guiding your users to achieve their goals. Include various closed and open questions to help your users decide what they need and understand how they can order your products.

3. Use Natural Language

Not all the people coming to your website are experts in your area. Thus, if you use super technical content you will scare most of them away as they won’t understand how your product can help them. Therefore, you should always stick to natural language and help any user understand exactly what you have to offer. Your visitors come from a variety of backgrounds. They all need your products which means that you should transmit information in a clear and conversational way.

For example, if your target audience is looking for college essay editing service reviews, don’t overwhelm them with a ton of additional information about essay types or specific writing requirements of certain colleges. Simply, provide them with a link to a relevant article on your website or any alternative. 

Image by Willi Heidelbach from Pixabay

4. Create a Flowchart of Conversations

Customers know very well when they are talking to a real person or a messaging bot. Thus, you shouldn’t fool them and try to make them believe that they are talking to someone from your team.

So, you should put all your efforts into delivering a natural conversation and build your script in such a way so that your visitors won’t feel any difference. Your users won’t be satisfied when they start discussing with your messaging bot and they end up at a dead point. Therefore, during your marketing automation strategy, you should think of a natural way to develop the conversation.

Start developing a conversation flowchart and include in it all the possible scenarios based on the answers your users could give to your questions. For example, you can use different colors or shapes during each phase of the conversation before you reach the milestone. Based on it, you can also evaluate whether your users spend too much time before they receive the answer to their questions or the conversation is taken over by a customer service agent.

5. Limit the Number of Open-Ended Questions

Even though digital communication has advanced a lot, a messaging bot cannot be compared to a real person. Therefore, even though it can be programmed and developed so that it can respond to almost any question, it will still have some limitations.

This is the moment when a customer service agent should step in and continue the conversation. When you build your conversation flowchart, you should include as many closed questions as possible.

Furthermore, they will help you guide your users and take them to the point you want them to be. What is more, people don’t have too much time to lose nowadays. Therefore, instead of waiting for them to give you an open answer to understand what they need, it is always better to give them several options to choose from. Thus, you will maintain your script and provide your users with clear information on what they are looking for.

Image by ArekSocha from Pixabay

6. Keep Updating the Script

People’s motivations and preferences are changing. If they were interested in something today, this doesn’t mean that they will be the same tomorrow. The way they are searching for information is changing. Therefore, your marketing automation should also be changing. Your messaging bots should always be updated with the latest information relevant for your users and surprise them with accurate and new details. This means that you should be constantly updating the script and adapt it to the market’s realities.

Embrace the Future of Communication

Messaging marketing is changing the way we do online communication. They are extremely efficient in providing relevant information to your customers, saving you money at the same time. Their biggest advantage is that they are available 24/7, offering valuable information to your users anytime and anywhere.

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