Sales & Marketing Emails

payment received email

How to Write Payment Received Emails: Samples Included

After successfully receiving payment from a customer, there’s only one thing you can do, and that is to send them a “payment received email”, “payment successful” or “thank you for your payment email”. After receiving a payment from a customer, these emails are non-negotiable and must be sent.  By sending a payment received email, you

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Best Examples of Phone Script for Scheduling Appointments

Among the unending list of marketing and sales techniques for lead generation, there’s cold calling. The metrics for success with cold calling can be tipped severely in your favour if you follow certain rules. One of those rules is cold calling to schedule appointments rather than to make a sale. Why is that? Cold calling

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Product introduction email

How to Write a Product Introduction Email and 8 Samples Included

Creating a compelling product introduction email is one of your most effective tools for re-engaging consumers, reminding them of the value your product delivers and introducing them to new products and offers. Remember, you have put your heart, soul, and sweat into developing a new product. So when you launch the product to the public,

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Email to Request Clarification: Samples and Templates Included

A clarification email is a concise response to request a further explanation regarding a received message. It serves as a means to seek clarification and gain a clearer understanding of the sender’s intended meaning or information conveyed in their initial communication. While email is the defacto mode of communication for professionals, it has flaws. And

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Email to Confirm Verbal Agreements

How To Write An Email To Confirm A Verbal Or On-Phone Agreement Samples Included

Agreements, especially those of a business or legal nature, are best documented and confirmed.  You risk future conflict by leaving an agreement verbal.  Emails provide a fast and effective means of confirming verbal or on-phone agreements to ensure proper documentation of terms and conditions. Writing emails to confirm verbal agreements can also act as reference

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chargeback rebuttal letter

Chargeback Rebuttal Letters to Get Your Money Back: Samples Included

As a business owner, it’s easy to count a chargeback as a loss and move on with your business. But how many chargebacks can your business handle before it affects your bottom line? According to research, merchants lose $2.40 for every $1 a fraudster takes.  The chargeback rebuttal process is called a representment, and if

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payment reminder

How to Write Payment Reminder Emails and get paid (Samples Included)

As a freelancer or a business person, requesting payments is one of your job’s most tasking and nerve-wracking parts. This is especially true if you’ve sent multiple payment reminder emails and the client has failed to meet their end of the bargain. This article isn’t for you if a client is prompt with their payments

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