Become A Remote Cloud Engineer: Everything You Need to Know

Remote cloud engineer

Are you curious about how to become a remote cloud engineer? Are you wondering how to break into the world of network security? You love building websites and having fun. But you also want to work remotely and have the time to do what you want, like travelling and spending time with friends and families.

You want to spend more time coding and less time being cooped up in an office building, trying to stay awake for 10 hours at a time before passing out after 8 hours. Well, I’ve got some great news. You can do these things and still have a remarkable career as a cloud engineer while working remotely.

If you’re looking to become a remote cloud engineer, this article has been created to help you have a more straightforward idea of how to become a remote or local cloud engineer.

Who Is a Remote Cloud Engineer?

Remote cloud engineers are software developers working remotely from their homes or offices. Many remote cloud engineers are self-employed, while clients employ others.

The role of a remote cloud engineer is to provide support and technical expertise to organisations that need help managing their cloud environments. This can include everything from setting up new servers to optimising performance and ensuring systems run smoothly.

Remote cloud engineers work in an environment where they can do their work from anywhere in the world, so they don’t have to worry about commuting or dealing with local weather conditions. They also have access to all the tools required for their job, including a computer and an internet connection.

The main advantage of working as a remote cloud engineer is that it allows you to spend more time on your job, which means you can get more done in less time. You’ll also be able to fit into your career goals better.

Responsibility of A Remote Cloud Engineer

Remote cloud engineers are independent contractors who work for companies to help them with their cloud infrastructure. Remote cloud engineers provide services such as:

  • Network administration for physical networks that connect to the cloud (e.g., network configuration, security)
  • Migration of data from one cloud provider to another
  • Configuration and management of infrastructure components (e.g., virtual machines) that make up a cloud system
  • Responsible for developing new applications and maintaining existing ones
  • Responsible for maintaining the databases, servers, and other hardware that comprise a company’s IT infrastructure.
  • They also monitor the health of these systems, ensure that they are running smoothly, and fix any problems if they arise.
  • Backup and recovery of data in the cloud

How to Become a Remote Cloud Engineer

1. Education

The first step to becoming a cloud engineer is gaining the right qualifications. This will give you enough knowledge to understand the technology and its applications. You can start with a Bachelor’s degree in computer science or information technology or other relevant disciplines. After that, you can attend a 1-year certificate program in computer programming or networking. This will be an additional qualification or a master’s degree in a relevant discipline. However, you don’t have to get a master’s before gaining relevant industry experience.

2. Experience

During or after your degree, you can start looking for entry-level jobs or internships in cloud engineering. It doesn’t have to be remote. The idea behind this is to gain industry experience and to be able to develop further your skills like communication, problem-solving, analytical and technical skills. Look for companies that fit your criteria or skill. Better still, look for companies that offer training for their employees. This way, they can help you develop and grow your career.

3. Build Your Portfolio

Creating a portfolio is a great way to show potential clients that you can handle any task they throw at you. It’s also a great way to showcase your skills and experience, as well as what you’ve worked on in the past.The first thing you need to do is set up a portfolio website. This should contain all of your work, including links to your resume and LinkedIn profile so that people can see how long it took you to complete each project.Once you have your portfolio set up, it’s time to start filling it with examples of work you’ve done in the past. Start small by adding one or two projects from each job description that applies to your skill set. For example: if you were a software engineer at an early-stage startup company, add some of the projects you worked on there. Also, include any freelance projects that you worked on for other companies or charities where applicable too.

4. Start Networking

Start networking as soon as you can. This is the best way to learn about your target companies and find out if they have any openings for remote cloud engineers.You can also join an industry association, a great way to meet people in your field and get the inside scoop on what’s happening in your industry.

5. Get a Mentor

A great way that I’ve found works is having someone who has been where you are going already help guide you along the way. This can be a fellow remote cloud engineer, someone who works at a similar company as yours or even someone who has started their own business and is willing to share their experience with others like yourself.

6. Applying for Remote Jobs

At this stage, you already have the qualifications, the skills, the proper connection and experience. It’s time for you to start looking for remote jobs in cloud engineering. We will discuss this in detail in the next section.

How to Apply for A Job as A Remote Cloud Engineer?

Step 1: Find a job that fits your skills and experience

You should first look at the jobs available in your area and see what companies are hiring remote workers. There are several websites you can go to research these. Upwork, Fiverr and Glassdoors are good examples. You can then create a list of the jobs you want to apply for and ensure each one is within your skill set.

2. Apply for jobs you’re interested in

Once you have your list of jobs, review them individually and ensure they’re ones you’d be interested in. Companies that support remote work Remember that not all companies have adjusted to working remotely. Search for work that will help you grow in your career and give you satisfaction

3. Send out application materials

Once all of the applications are sent out, wait until they’ve been reviewed by HR before sending out another batch of materials. This will also be an excellent time to share your portfolio with the recruiting team.

Software For Remote Cloud Engineer

1. Skype/Zoom/Teams

These are voice and video call application that allows you to make calls over the internet using your computer and webcam. They can meet with employees and teams and communicate on projects and related matters.

2. Trello/Slack

They are team collaboration tools that help you communicate effectively with other people in your company, no matter what time it is or where they are located. It enables you to solve problems and make decisions at the same time. They can be used to share ideas, coordinate work, and discuss new projects

3. Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage service that allows you to share files with other users, including those on other platforms such as Android and iOS. You can also use Google Drive to store your code and documents, which makes it easy to collaborate with others in real time.

4. Code Manager

A code management tool for remote engineers

How Much Does a Remote Cloud Engineer Make?

According to ZipRecruiter, the average annual pay for a Remote Cloud Engineer in the United States is $116,363 annually. In case you are wondering, that is approximately $55.94 an hour. This is the equivalent of $2,237/week or $9,696/month.


To summarise, becoming a remote cloud engineer is not a challenging task. You need to be very good at the technologies and programming languages a cloud engineer should know. You also should have your technical skills up to date, such as networking and security. Most of all, you need to be willing to learn constantly because, in this field, nothing remains the same for quite a long, and you need to adjust your knowledge accordingly.

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