The Beginner’s Guide to Writing- 7 SIMPLE TIPS

Picture of a little girl writing

Writing is really interesting. If properly crafted, a simple information can change the toughest situationsir?t=woculus07 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0765600838.

The more interesting fact is that everybody can write. All that is required is to just begin to write and then, your creative juices can take over.

How to Write for the Web

To get your personal creativity activated and ensure you churn out excellent contents, here are a few tips you can make use of:

1. Begin by writing about something you are passionate about

This is the best way to stimulate your writing genius and develop your personal style of writing. After building your confidence, you can venture into the whole world of writing.

In simple terms, the short-cut to becoming an expert writer is to begin writing as a passionate writer. Then write about areas that interest you or you want to learn about or you are currently learning about. After this initial groundwork, you can write about anything.

Depending on you, you can pick up a piece of paper or your keyboard and begin typing or writing about that thing that really bothers you. You may first list the points depending on the type of writing you intend to use. To write a story, you don’t need to list out the points but for an informative article, you might have to first list out your thoughts. Then, write as fast as you can (your first draft).

2. Read over what you have written and re-write on a separate paper or page

You can refer to sections of the first draft to help you build it up. This is your second draft. Most writers are able to present the article in a more impressive format in this second draft but do not worry if it’s doesn’t seem ok yet.

3. Carry out a short research

Look for what others have written about the same topic (or relevant ones) and compare this with yours. If you find relevant info, you can add it to your own article in your own language. Be on the look-out for important information you might have overlooked previously.

4. Read through the article

How are your thoughts arranged? Do you need to reshuffle some paragraphs? Do the paragraphs link to each other? Have you given a complete or half information? Were you able to deliver what you initially intended to write?

5. Check your introductionnice to meet you 1185863 640

Is it seductive enough to lure an extremely busy internet surfer?

Think for a moment for the best way to introduce your article- Perhaps, with

  • A short story,
  • New information,
  • A fact/figure that might surprise the reader,
  • The result of a research


6. Check your conclusion

Did you actually conclude or stop writing? Check to make sure you brought the whole content to an end. Consider using

  • A closing summary,
  • An action plan,
  • A way forward,
  • A referrer (to another article)


7. Read the whole article again

Make necessary changes on that paper or page. Pay attention to spellings, grammar, and grammatical structure.

Quickly read the article again. You can read it out loud if you are not in too much of a hurry.

Your article is ready to be published.

Remember, as you become a better writer, you can begin to skip some of these steps.

The good news is, it doesn’t take time to become an expert writer. Secondly, all you need to become an expert is to write and write and write again; then, read and read and read brilliant articles (from other people) you come across.

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