Everyone needs a raise, it helps boost our morale when our work is being noticed and appreciated. However, if the raise does not come when expected, one may begin to wonder why the delay and strategize the next step to take.
Asking your boss for a raise should be well timed and planned. The means and how you would express it should be well thought of. One way to do it the professional way is to put it into writing first instead of approaching it verbally.
There is no better time to ask for a raise than after you have helped the company to accomplish one of its goals. No better period to point this out than when you have accomplished a success which has a direct impact on the company’s progress, and this can be communicated effectively via email.
Wrong Times to Ask Your Company for a Raise via Email
In asking your boss for a raise, you need to rule out;
- If your company/firm is going through financial difficulties. This will likely be a reason your boss will say NO. If you believe you deserve a raise, your efforts should be clearly helping to meet the financial goals and contributing to the progress of the company in a measurable way.
- If there are some expectations you are yet to meet despite your achievements in the company. You may need to consider the nature of these expectations. Are they directly affecting the firm from achieving some of its major goals/successes? These might be a reason for your boss to say NO or delay the raise you are requesting for?
Planning Ahead
Asking for a raise via email should be planned ahead before tabling it before your boss;
- Leverage on your past achievement and major breakthroughs in the company.
- Do not over blow your success. Do not come out sounding like you’re indispensable or issue threats of resigning. Do not imply it.
- The purpose of this email is to ask for a raise in the most professional manner. Ensure your letter solely serves that purpose.
- Verbs like “May” “Could” should be used effectively in your letter. They signify that you’re making a request and not demanding. Even when you feel you are entitled to a raise, a request is a polite and a more appealing way to get it done faster.
- Begin your letter by stating how you have enjoyed working with the company. Appreciate your boss for steering the company in the right direction and the impact he has made in the growth. Write briefly about the progress of the company since you have been part of it and find a way to highlight ways you have been part of this success without sounding like you are blowing your own trumpet
- Ask for a raise in the clearest of terms without being vague. DO NOT request for a specific figure you believe is appropriate, wait for your boss to speak with you one-on-one before you give a figure.
- Express ways you plan to contribute to the future growth of the company based on your firm’s long-term goal. It is good for your employer to see you in the future he has planned for the company. It helps to facilitate a raise.
- Close your email stating your commitment to the growth and success of the company
- Thank your employer for the favorable response you are anticipating.
Sample Email 1: Asking Your Boss for a Raise via Email
Good morning sir,
Since working with Mega Furniture, the company has grown under your leadership sir, and has successfully overcome several challenges peculiar to the business of furniture making. We have been able to satisfy a large percentage of our market and have built customer loyalty as a result of our consistency and dedication to using quality raw materials by sourcing for the finest available.
The sourcing of raw material is an aspect of the business that is quite strategic in the overall outlook of the products and the business at large. This is why we did not relent in getting the best available. With the lowering of standard of our former major supplier as regard quality in materials, we went the extra mile by meeting with investors one-on-one to source for funds. This is so that our dream of getting the best raw materials, though much expensive may be actualized. It did not take much time for our investors to commit themselves financially to this cause.
The past six years of being a part of the dream of Mega Furniture has been quite fulfilling. The vision of the company to be the leading producer of quality and durable furniture in the nation, and the world at large, is one I enjoy seeing actualized. Working and being a part of this team is a thing of joy, and your mentorship and motivation is oil to the wheel.
The remuneration also which is a good reward for labor has been forthcoming and that at the right time. All these created a great working environment by which an employee thrives.
However, I will like to request for a raise in salary. I will appreciate if my current wage whichis $10 dollars per hour is reviewed and raised.
I look forward to a favorable response from you and appreciate you for your encouragement and motivation to steer Mega Furniture to greater heights.
In the email above, you have subtly highlighted how your effort has helped investors put money into the business to get raw materials. You have called the past six years fulfilling. These are the things to leverage on.
Appreciating your boss is the first step to also being appreciated by him. If your salary does not end up being raised, he would have found reasons to appreciate you for your contribution and commitment to the company and have it in mind to consider raising your wages in the future.
Your contribution to the company and your commitment to its vision should be the focus of your email as you ask for a raise. The contribution speaks of your past, the commitment tells about your future role and how valuable it would be in the future of the company.
Written by Teju Duru; a communication expert and freelance writer based in Ibadan.