When you send a proposal, contract, initial design, questionnaire or any other thing to a client via email, your initial excitement of a possible business deal or positive response may be watered down by the unresponsiveness of the client. It is very important that in your communication with customers, especially via email, that you encourage them to take an immediate action regarding what you have sent to them. Apart from this, you have to be sure that the lack of response is not as a result of what you did wrong while sending the email. Please read the article Why Your Clients are Unresponsive to Your Emails to ensure that you have done your part accurately. It is only after you have done this in your initial email, and the client did not respond that one can conclude that indeed a client is unresponsive, hence, the need to send follow-up emails.
The Need for Follow-Up Emails
Follow-up emails are very vital in business communication. Whether you are sending the email to prospective customers or established ones, provided your initial email has not been replied, it is important to send follow-up emails. Sending follow-up emails is a standard marketing strategy to get the customer to engage you. It is not enough to send one or two follow-up emails. The ideal amount varies between five to six emails. In marketing psychology, the human mind needs repetition for anything to stick. Therefore, there is a chance that the client will respond if we send these emails. If the client fails to respond to the sixth email, then we can say it is over. Though multiple follow-up emails are advocated, sending them should be done with tact so that the client does not spam your email address.
The Follow-Up Email Sequence
It is actually better to be ahead of the client. You do not need to wait for days or weeks, hoping for a client’s response to your email. You can send follow-up emails within a week after sending the initial proposal. If you are familiar with client’s schedule, the emails can be sent with that in mind. Below is a step by step guide (and samples) for following up a client via email.
The Initial Business Proposal (Sample: How to Get an Email Response from an Unresponsive Client)
This is your initial business email to the client on a proposed service or product delivery. It should be standard, professional and concise.
Subject: Business Proposal
Greetings John,
Please find attached to this email, a proposal for your perusal. I will appreciate your thoughts on it when you are done.
After making up your mind on the particular product that suits your company’s current need, you can take the next step; contact me, so that I can send you a precise quotation. Then we can proceed from there.
Please, do not hesitate to contact me for further clarifications. I am available for any queries you have regarding the products.
I look forward to seeing your reply.
Best regards,
Martins Bridges
The First Follow-Up Email (Sample: How to Get an Email Response from an Unresponsive Client)
You can wait for an average of three business days after sending the initial email before you send the first follow-up email if the client has not gotten back to you.
Subject: Business Proposal
Hello John,
Hope this email meets you well?
I thought I should follow up on the business proposal I sent three days ago (15 January 2017).
I would like to make an arrangement for us to discuss any questions you may have on the phone. It would be a pleasure to take your queries.
I am available between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm (EST). If these times are not feasible for you, please let me know what suits you so that I can work around your schedule.
It would be nice to know if you are still interested in the proposal. If you are still keen on it, then let me know what works for you.
I appreciate this opportunity greatly.
Best regards.
Martins Bridges
An important piece to note in the preceding email is that it has a call to action. All marketing business emails and subsequent follow-up emails should have this. Also notice that there is an assumption that the client has questions, and that you are interested in answering them, therefore you are making an arrangement for a phone conversation. All these keep the process active, increasing the chances of the client actually responding to your email.
The Second Follow-Up Email (Sample: How to Get an Email Response from an Unresponsive Client)
Subject: Reminder (Business Proposal)
Hi John,
Hope you are doing great today?
I just wanted to bring this email to your attention to know your thoughts on the proposal.
Best regards.
Martins Bridges
Here you have a brief and friendly email. It is a gentle nudge, urging the customer to response to your proposal.
Remember, the email before this was intended to set up a call. This one is to remind them of that. There is a good chance the client would want to ensure that the call happens.
If the client does not respond at this point, the chance of a respond is greatly diminished. However, it is best to continue the push to the end by sending the final follow-up email.
The Final Follow-Up Email (Sample: How to Get an Email Response from an Unresponsive Client)
After seven business days, send the final follow-up email, if you do not receive a response after the second email.
Subject: Reminder (Business Proposal)
Hi John,
Hope this email meets you well?
Please, I need to know if this business proposal is still of any interest to you. I have been looking forward to a chat with you for a good while now, keeping space in my schedule for this to happen. If you have chosen to reject it and head another direction, there is no problem at all. Just kindly let me know.
Best wishes.
Martins Bridges
You will notice the rather direct tone of this email. It has a way of giving a gentle push to those who feel they have an obligation to respond to the earlier emails. Some may come up with apologies or excuses.
The Closing Email (Sample: How to Get an Email Response from an Unresponsive Client)
After waiting for another seven business days with no response, close that chapter, get it off your head and move on. Send a final email to the customer, and do not bother to email them on the same proposal anymore.
Subject: Final Reminder (Business Proposal)
Hello John,
Hope you are doing well today?
Considering the fact that I have not received any response from you, I believe you are not interested in this proposal in any way.
Kindly let me know if there is anything I can do for you in the future.
Best regards.
Martins Bridges
By sending this final email, you will have a proper closure. You can move to another promising customer.