Have you ever wondered if the way your business email address looks is important? Or has anyone ever mentioned to you that the way your email address looks has a market value? The answer to both questions is in the affirmative. Your email address speaks more about you than you can imagine. It can tell a potential client or partner how serious you are with your transactions or, conversely, how lax you are with your business.
We will be looking at some ideas on how to setup that professional business email address that will represent you properly and win over more clients to you.
Let It Be Professional
The first and foremost is to keep the name of your email address professional. Avoid using colloquial, street or foul words, whether in part or whole for your email address. When you deal with financial transactions, the person on the other end reading your email should be confident that he or she is not wasting time dealing with an unserious fellow. When an email is the first mode of contact between you and a customer, it is important for you to realize that a huge percentage of whom you are and your business would be analyzed just by a glimpse of your business email address. Therefore, bear in mind you need to always make an excellent first impression by setting up your email address professionally.
Avoid email addresses like [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. A more professional business email will look like this: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
Let It Reflect Your Company Name
As noted in the professional business email examples in the preceding subheading, one of the best ways to keep your email address professional is to use the email service that comes with your website host carrying your domain name. That means, it will reflect your company name – your website should reflect your company name. This is by far the best way to make your business email address look professional and reflect yourself in a better light. For example [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
If you are using a free email provider like Yahoo or Gmail, or any other, your business email can still look professional and reflect your company name. It may not be as impactful as an email address which carries your domain name, but you can still make it count. For example [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
Let It Be Unique
Endeavor to make your business email as unique as possible. This means that your company name – hence, domain name – should be unique also. Even if your company is simple, there are ways of ensuring that your domain name and therefore email address is unique. Let us see an example.
Company name: Royal Insurance Limited (a common company name)
Possible domain name: (a domain name that may have been taken)
Possible business email address: [email protected] (this may well already exist)
Please, note that if it is possible to change your company name to something more unique, then you may ignore the following suggestion.
Alternative domain names: or (these are less common forms).
Alternative business email addresses: [email protected], [email protected].
Users of Free Providers
If you use the free email providers, there are vital things you need to be aware of. First, avoid using email addresses like [email protected] or [email protected]. The inclusion of ‘2015’ or ‘007’ is just a big mistake. Do not fall for it, even when Gmail or Yahoo mail suggests it. This can put off your customers or potential partners. In fact, it is just best to have a professional business email which bears your domain name. However, there are people who need to send emails, but cannot afford to purchase a domain name and/or the email address, hence, they will still need the free providers.
Another point you need to know if you are using the free email providers is to avoid the use of underscore. Yes, it seems like the solution to the desperate entrepreneur, but it unprofessional. For example [email protected] or [email protected]. Apart from the fact that your clients will expend energy and time searching for that symbol on their keyboards, it will give your business email address a clumsy look.
Here are some examples on how to make your email address unique, when your company name is a common one. This will help you not to fall for the use of numbers or underscore or any symbol for that matter.
Company name: Royal Insurance Limited (a common company name)
Possible business email address: [email protected] (this may well already exist)
Please, note that if it is possible to change your company name to something more unique, then you may ignore the following suggestions.
Alternative business email addresses: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].
Get a Domain Name
When your email address bears your domain name, your business email address will stand you and your company out. You will be seen as a professional and a serious minded person. Never underestimate this fact. Therefore, it is vital to ensure you get the best domain name for your business and generate an appropriate business email using this.
Get a Customized Email Address
Some free email providers like Google (Gmail) offer customized business email addresses at various costs. That means you do not have to buy a domain name (or own a website – though this is vital for any modern business) to have a business email address that looks professional. For instance, if your name is Angela Bricks and your company name is Royal Insurance Limited, you can purchase the business email address, [email protected] from Google. Of course, you will be informed if it available or not. It becomes tougher to get a professional business email address if your name and your company name are common. See the article: Tips for Choosing The Best Domain Name and Email Address for how to handle this challenge.
Disclaimer: All names, company names, domain names and email addresses used here are all fictitious. Any resemblance is coincidental. They were all generated to be used for this article.