It doesn’t matter if you are fresh out of college of whether you are changing jobs for the umpteenth time, landing the perfect job can be challenging and stressful. The job market is getting tougher as more and more people are becoming skilled through online education.
You have to stand out from a crowd of experts, and the details are what is going to land you the job. Writing an introduction email to the employer is the first step to landing your dream job. This is why your writing skills need to be superb. Here are eight ways in which your writing skills can help you land that job.
Be an expert in your field
One of the starting points of excellent writing has nothing to do with writing, but everything about research. You need to show your future employer that you know what you are talking about. This will require you to research in your field and also on the company you are applying to.
This has the double effect of showing the HR department that you are the real deal and secondly, that you know how to do your research when needed. Doing the research will also make you mindful of the language and jargon that you use.
Do the basics right
Nothing tells your would-be employer to place your resume at the bottom of the pile or the bin than bad grammar. It is the attention to detail that sets you apart from the rest. If you haven’t been writing for a while, you tend to forget some of the most basic grammar rules.
When you make basic errors like using the wrong homophone like your, instead of you’re, then you tell the employer that you don’t care so much about the details and that you are sloppy.
Instead, make use of the digital tools available and incorporate them into your workplace culture. If you can demonstrate that you are proficient in using these tools, you show the employer that you can integrate new technologies into your office culture.
Choose your fonts wisely
Even if you are applying for some of another digital arts position, there are areas where you need to ease up on your artistic flair and stick to professional fonts. The one thing that the HR department does not want to do is to decipher what you are trying to say.
A clear, legible, and professional font will make it easier on the eyes when they have to browse through a couple of resumes. The classics like Ariel, New Times Roman, or Calibri are among the best fonts to use when writing your resume. They are always the first choice for NSBroker, who provides technical analysis in the area of customers’ investments.
Apart from the fonts, you also need to keep your font size reasonable and not cram too much info on the page. Your resume is only your summary. The interview is where you can showcase all that you are.
Choose your words wisely
When you apply for your dream job, you’d have done some things that don’t fit into that dream, or what the employer is looking for. Don’t waste space by writing irrelevant facts about yourself.
Your employer is only interested in what you can bring to the table for the company. If you have experience as a chef but are applying for a computer coding position, then only write about your computer skills. You can impress your new boss with your cooking skills when you take your awesome lunch to work.
All you need to focus on is to provide job-related skills and experience. You’ll only clutter your resume if you include unnecessary info.
Don’t be afraid to boast
When you are applying for that job that fits you like a glove, then you want to make sure that your special achievements stand out. Your employer wants to know that they are hiring the best candidate for the job.
They’re also looking for someone who can grow into their new position and take the business to a new level. Your achievements show them that you are not afraid to work and that you are innovative in what you do. They are looking for someone who can think in new ways, and your special accolades show them what you are capable of.
See what the competition is doing
There is no shame in taking a peek at what the others in your field are doing. If you are applying for a certain position, you are bound to know someone in the field in a similar position.
Ask them if you could peruse their resume, seeing that it is part of the reason that they landed the job. You don’t have to copy it, but you could get some ideas of what you can include in your resume that will help it stand out from the rest.
Keep your tone or register in check
You always need to make sure that you use a professional tone in your writing. Informal language is not to be used in a resume as it sends the wrong message. Sure, you want to stand out as an individual, but let your skills and experience do the taking. They will get a pretty good picture of your personality when you go for your interview.
Your resume is the tool that will get you the interview and is meant to show the employer what you can do, not the medium through which you try and voice who you are.
Editing and proofreading
Getting someone to proofread your work is the best policy. It doesn’t matter if you are a pro-writer. Your brain is too powerful and will miss the typos because it interprets what you intended to write and you skip over the imperfections.
When someone else reads your work, they are still trying to make out the meaning of your words and their minds focus on the details. Besides, it doesn’t hurt if someone with an objective view reads your resume and makes suggestions in the end.
It doesn’t have to be daunting to write your resume, and if you spend some time on doing it well, you’d be surprised at the number of returns you get on your time investment. Always pay attention to the details as this is what will set your work apart from the others. Keep it simple and professional and leave the flair for the interview.
These are really useful tips because thanks to this I found a great job and now I work as a writer in the papersowl service. I write a variety of essays that you can find on my site. Most of all I like to write about classic works, such as the poem “Odyssey”. It is very interesting and exciting. I hope you enjoy it too