If you have been considering how to quit your job without causing so much fuss, this article may just be for you. You may have realized that quitting your job is not as simple as you had imagined. The reason for this is that you may not know how to communicate your reason, or you are worried that your boss may not want you to leave. He or she may even reject your letter of resignation. Knowing how to quit your job via email may be what you just need.
Communicating officially via email is becoming rapidly popular. It is an effective means of communication in the business world. It is also a legal record and can always be used as a reference. Therefore, if you are having difficulty confronting an angry boss to explain yourself, or you are too emotional to face a very caring boss who you have decided to leave, knowing how to quit your job via email can get the job done.
The Wrong Way to Quit Your Job Via Email
To be fair, it is understandable that you feel like yelling at your unreasonable boss “I quit!” or making the decision to not just show up for work. In fact, probably you have drafted that short note that says “I quit!” and you are about to drop it on the desk of your boss before he gets to the office. You may actually have drafted a letter or email, but the content may do more harm than good because you have vented your displeasure in it.
These are all wrong ways to quit a job. If there is a wrong way, there is also a right way.
The Right Way to Quit Your Job Via Email
The right way to quit a job is by giving a formal notice via letter or email, keeping in mind the company’s policy. Besides these, there are other things you will need to bear in mind (see more details here: Guidelines on How to Quit Your Job Responsibly). However, in this article, we are dealing with quitting your job via email.
Important Tips If You Want to Quit Your Job via Email
Send it to the Right Person
Your resignation email should be sent to the human resources manager or the managing director or to whoever the company requires employees to direct such emails to. Do not copy to your colleagues or any other person.
Use a Clear Subject Line
Your subject line should clearly indicate the purpose of your email. It should also be brief and precise. An appropriate subject could be Resignation – Your Name or Notice of Resignation – Your Name.
Opening Salutation
This could be: “Dear Sir” or “Dear Ma”. You do not have to include any other greeting. For example, do not ask about the person’s day or welfare. The email is a very formal one and a serious matter. Therefore, after the initial opening salutation, just go to your point.
Start with Appreciation
Thank your boss and the management for giving you the opportunity to serve in the organization. Say thank you for the privilege you had to grow and acquire new skills. You may give a specific instance that the company did something you really feel grateful for. However, keep it brief.
State Your Reason for Quitting
This is very important. However, do not go into details about it. Mention only relevant things and keep it brief. Never give a negative reason for leaving. No matter how you much you hated your job, your boss, the company, or even your colleagues, do not mention any of this as a reason for quitting. It does not mean you have to lie.
If your real reason is negative, look for something positive as your reason for quitting the job. For instance, you need to reposition your career path or the new job made it easier for you to be with your family as a result of the proximity to your home or working hours (these must be genuine).
Specify the Date
Mention what day you want your notice to start counting by providing the date you want to stop working. Some companies allow for two or four weeks’ notice. However, if you are pressed to leave early, inquire if a waiver can be given to you or if a kind of compromise can be made. The date you provide as your last day will be used to calculate your benefits.
Offer to Help During the Transition
If this is allowed, offer to help with the transition process by training the replacement or contributing to the training. Though this may not be accepted, it is a positive gesture that the company will appreciate.
Stay Positive
Maintain a positive tone throughout your email. Your communication should not reveal any form of animosity, regret or ill-will towards the company or management. It will not do you any good to show a negative feeling. Remember, you may need a reference from the company. Also, your new employer may do an official background check on you, and you do not want them to be given a damning report about you.
Keep it Professional
This is one of the most professional emails you would ever get to write. It is a sensitive one – you, on one end wish to sever a contract, while the management on the other end is trying to or hoping to have a reason to keep you in the company or worse, harm you. Therefore, every word, sentence or statement must be guarded and professional when you quit your job via email.
Keep it Brief
Avoid unnecessary salutations and details. Let your email drive home only the essential points.
Close by showing appreciation. For example: “Thank you for giving me the privilege to be a part of this great team”. Wish the company well. And also remember to provide your contact details. This is important, in case there is any need to contact you after you have quit. Find below a sample email to help you quit your job via email.
Find below a sample email to help you quit your job via email.
Sample Email: How to Quit Your Job via Email
Dear Ma,
Please, this email is to notify you that I am leaving the company.
I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given while in your employment. I particularly appreciate the training I received on project management two years ago, sponsored by the management.
The doctor recommended that my two-year-old daughter stays in the suburbs because of her health. I have already secured an administrative position with a company close to our new home in the suburbs.
I intend to stop working on 05 July 2017.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist my replacement.
I wish you and the company the very best.
Once again, thanks for everything.
I can be reached on 000-432-5555 or [email protected].
Best regards,
John Calvin